=== Blocksy Companion === Tags: widget, widgets Requires at least: 5.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 Tested up to: 5.9 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Stable tag: 1.8.25 == Description == Blocksy Companion is a plugin that turns Blocksy theme into a powerful Swiss army knife. It runs and adds its enhancements only if the Blocksy theme is installed and active. = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 5.0 or greater * PHP version 7.0 or greater == Installation == 1. Upload `Blocksy-Companion-version_number.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory and extract. 2. Activate the plugin by going to **Plugins** page in WordPress admin and clicking on **Activate** link. == Changelog == 1.8.25: 2022-04-08 - Improvement: Solidify usage of classes from Blocksy theme - Improvement: More robust widgets handling in options importer 1.8.24: 2022-04-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.23: 2022-04-07 - Improvement: Smarter loading of the account modal - Improvement: More robust data parsing in options import/export module - Improvement: Simpler customizer load in CLI commands 1.8.22: 2022-03-25 - Fix: Blocksy posts shortcode respect pagination 1.8.21: 2022-03-23 - Fix: Blocksy posts shortcode affected by pagination if two loops are present on the same page 1.8.20: 2022-03-01 - Fix: Header row shrink does not work when set to boxed layout - Fix: Cookies consent modal tabindex issue 1.8.19: 2022-02-18 - Improvement: Do not load all users in conditions to avoid memory limit hits - Improvement: Remove focus lock from cookies consent popup 1.8.18: 2022-02-16 - Improvement: Account modal better compatibility with All In One WP Security plugin - Improvement: Cookies consent popup focus lock - Improvement: Integration with CAPTCHA 4WP in account modal 1.8.17: 2022-01-21 - Improvement: Product reviews image aspect ratio filter - Improvement: Customizer export/import module improvement - Improvement: Demo content importer module improvement - Fix: Account modal does not pop up, if account element is in off canvas menu 1.8.17-beta13: 2022-01-19 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.16: 2021-12-29 - Improvement: Handle account modal opened from offcanvas menu - Improvement: Login modal markup improvements - Improvement: Quote widget avatar image output 1.8.15: 2021-12-24 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.14: 2021-12-24 - Fix: Account modal correctly compute current page URL 1.8.13: 2021-12-18 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.12: 2021-12-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.11: 2021-12-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.10: 2021-12-15 - Improvement: Account modal accessibility improvement - Improvement: Account modal default color values - Improvement: Account modal correct input label - Fix: My account element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Header -> Account element doesn't update the "Customiser state" text 1.8.10-beta1: 2021-12-10 - Improvement: Account modal accessibility improvement - Improvement: Account modal default color values - Improvement: Account modal correct input label - Fix: My account element custom label strings are not added to the WPML - Fix: Header -> Account element doesn't update the "Customiser state" text 2021-11-26 - Improvement: Account header element add visibility option for logged in/out users - Improvement: Update sticky header on browser resize 2021-11-18 - Improvement: Account modal add nonce check for login, lostpassword and register forms - Improvement: A11Y - title markup for header SVG icons 2021-11-16 - Improvement: Better calculation for logo shrink in sticky header 2021-11-16 - New: Integrate account header element with iThemes Security 2021-10-27 - Improvement: Update plugin text domain from blc to blocksy-companion - Improvement: Product reviews extension add `rel="sponsored"` attribute option - Fix: Product Reviews title does not show up 2021-10-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-10-20 - New: User condition for post author - Improvement: Custom post types taxonomy condition per taxonomy - Improvement: Allow shortcode in widgets (About Me, Quote, Contact Info) - Improvement: Allow shortcode in contacts header element - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe extension design options - Improvement: Product reviews extensions entity option - Improvement: Demo importer better detect plugin dependencies - Improvement: Posts widget update comments translation strings 2021-10-19 - Improvement: Allow shortcode in widgets (About Me, Quote, Contact Info) - Improvement: Allow shortcode in contacts header element - Improvement: Newsletter subscribe extension design options - Improvement: Demo importer better detect plugin dependencies - Improvement: Posts widget update comments translation strings 2021-10-01 - Improvement: Account header element aria-label attribute 2021-09-30 - New: Trending posts module title option to change wrapper tag 1.8.9: 2021-09-21 - Improvement: Customizer export/import functionality 2021-09-17 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-09-14 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-09-09 - New: Product reviews extension add Review Entity option 2021-09-07 - Improvement: Product reviews extension schema org markup 2021-09-03 - Improvement: Better check for current language in conditions module 2021-08-31 - Improvement: Proper image attachment id default 2021-08-30 - Improvement: Block widgets and legacy widgets integration - Improvement: Post reviews extension schema org markup - Improvement: Social widget add nofollow option - Fix: Upon deactivation of companion pro and selecting contact support, it shows a restricted webpage 2021-08-23 - New: Schema org markup for product reviews - Fix: Handle missing plugin in starter sites installer 1.8.8: 2021-08-20 - New: Random order for posts widget - Fix: Trending module products category source - Fix: Header account items label position - Fix: WP Optimize clean caches correctly 1.8.8-beta7: 2021-08-17 - Fix: Header account items label position - Fix: WP Optimize clean caches correctly 2021-08-02 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-30 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-29 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-28 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-07-26 - Improvement: Properly compute current url for lazy loaded account html 2021-07-23 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.7: 2021-07-22 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options - Improvement: Allow opening account modal from custom places with a specific initial view 1.8.7-beta6: 2021-07-16 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options - Improvement: Allow opening account modal from custom places with a specific initial view 1.8.7-beta4: 2021-07-08 - New: Account modal inputs border and background color options 2021-06-24 - Improvement: Add CSRF nonce check for customizer importer 2021-06-16 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2021-06-11 - New: Trending posts extension custom module label option - New: Integration with Simple Custom Post Order plugin - New: Implement filter for blocksy posts shortcode wp query args - New: Header account item redirect URL filter - Improvement: More options for the trending posts block - Fix: Social widget alignment when inside footer column 2021-06-09 - New: Integration with Simple Custom Post Order plugin - New: Implement filter for blocksy posts shortcode wp query args - New: Header account item redirect URL filter - Improvement: More options for the trending posts block - Fix: Social widget alignment when inside footer column 2021-05-12 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.6: 2021-05-11 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.6-beta1: 2021-05-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.5: 2021-05-01 - Fix: Correctly clean SiteGround caches 1.8.4: 2021-05-01 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.8.0: 2021-04-28 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang, TranslatePress and WPML conditions - Improvement: Starter sites improvements - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 1.8.0-beta6: 2021-04-23 - New: Implement PolyLang, TranslatePress and WPML conditions - Improvement: Starter sites improvements 2021-04-09 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 2021-04-06 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element - sign up functionality compatibility with WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 2021-04-01 - New: Account custom link pass through WPML - New: Ratio option for Advertisement widget - New: Header transparent/sticky condition filter - New: Implement PolyLang and WPML conditions - Improvement: Product reviews affiliate link - target option - Improvement: Account element register tab and WooCommerce - Improvement: Starter site importer minor improvements - Fix: Correctly initialise widgets in customizer - Fix: Don't look at current screen when inserting sticky CSS - Fix: Product reviews extension featured image - Fix: Sticky header issue when logo has margin 1.7.63: 2021-02-24 - Improvement: Cookies consent extension use SameSite=Lax in cookies - Fix: Correctly order scripts in trending and cookies consent 1.7.62: 2021-02-23 - Fix: Dashboard JavaScript fixes 1.7.61: 2021-02-23 - Fix: Dashboard JavaScript fixes 1.7.60: 2021-02-22 - Improvement: Refactor account header element - Fix: Account element custom link 2021-02-20 - Improvement: Refactor account header element - Fix: Freemius optin screen - Fix: Account element custom link 1.7.59: 2021-02-16 - Improvement: Introduce slider view to blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Introduce exclude_term_ids in blocksy_posts shortcode 1.7.58: 2021-02-11 - Fix: Demo importer Brizy handling 1.7.57: 2021-02-09 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.56: 2021-02-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 1.7.55: 2021-02-07 - New: Allow multiple post_type entries in blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Correctly handle images export/import in customizer - Improvement: WooCommerce: 3 new mini-cart icons - Fix: Account header element avatar size 2021-02-02 - New: Allow multiple post_type entries in blocksy_posts shortcode - Improvement: Correctly handle images export/import in customizer - Improvement: WooCommerce: 3 new mini-cart icons 1.7.54: 2021-01-28 - Improvement: Improve search box when it is placed inside the middle column - Improvement: Flush permalinks after starter site install finish 1.7.53: 2021-01-26 - New: Newsletter widget - add boxed and default container style - Improvement: WooCommerce: improve mini cart colors - Improvement: WooCommerce: Floating cart scroll logic for single product 1.7.52: 2021-01-25 - New: Add term filtering for blocksy_posts shortcode 1.7.51: 2021-01-24 - Improvement: Header: Account element use user display name instead of username - Improvement: Floating cart take sticky header height into account 1.7.50: 2021-01-24 - Fix: Demo importer: Allow nav menu items of type post_type_archive - Fix: Allow sideloading SVG images 1.7.49: 2021-01-23 - New: Account element: add AJAX functionality - New: Account element: add support for social login plugins - New: Account element: Improve logged in/out state - New: Filter for `blocksy_output_companion_notice()` - New: Product Reviews extension - New: blocksy_posts shortcode with customizer options inherit - Improvement: Search box text colors - Fix: Fix sticky effect glitch (fade and slide effects) - Fix: Improve auto show/hide sticky header - Fix: Fix multiple file-saver instances on the same page conflict - Fix: Starter sites importer fix for PHP8 - Fix: Resolve caching plugins problem with cookie consent 2021-01-19 - New: Filter for `blocksy_output_companion_notice()` - Improvement: Search box text colors - Fix: Fix sticky effect glitch (fade and slide effects) - Fix: Improve auto show/hide sticky header - Fix: Fix multiple file-saver instances on the same page conflict 1.7.47: 2021-01-05 - Improvement: Export/Import for current Elementor Kit 1.7.46: 2020-12-31 - Fix: Issue with affiliate marketing template 1.7.45: 2020-12-31 - New: Add affiliate marketing extension - New: Add option to export widgets settings - Fix: Fix account element colors sync not working 1.7.44: 2020-12-28 - New: Author box new social profiles: Pinterest, WordPress, GitHub, Medium, YouTube, Vimeo, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, TikTok - Improvement: Allow all declared taxonomies in conditions - Improvement: Improve WooCommerce banner position 1.7.43: 2020-12-25 - New: Customizer import/export - Improvement: Shrink logo functionality doesn't work when sticky header is set to Auto Hide/Show 1.7.42: 2020-12-21 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2020-12-21 - Fix: Fix freeze for icon picker option 1.7.41: 2020-12-18 - New: Sticky header new behavior (scroll down -> hide header, scroll top -> show header - Fix: Don't show Config buttons if the extension is not activated 2020-12-15 - New: Sticky header new behavior (scroll down -> hide header, scroll top -> show header - Fix: Don't show Config buttons if the extension is not activated 2020-12-07 - Improvement: Sticky calculation logic 1.7.40: 2020-12-04 - New: Add ratio option in Posts widget 2020-12-02 - Improvement: Various changes across multiple components 1.7.39: 2020-11-26 - Improvement: Various changes across multiple components 1.7.38: 2020-11-23 - Improvement: Conditions position improvement - Improvement: Caching plugins logic 1.7.38-beta1: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: Conditions position improvement - Improvement: Caching plugins logic 1.7.37: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: General improvement 1.7.36: 2020-11-20 - Improvement: implement beta updates delivery 1.7.35: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issue 1.7.34: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issue 1.7.33: 2020-11-14 - Fix: Minor issues 1.7.32: 2020-11-13 - Fix: Show "Global Header" not default - Fix: Show which footer is customized 1.7.32-beta1: 2020-11-12 - Fix: Show "Global Header" not default - Fix: Show which footer is customized 1.7.31: 2020-11-06 - Improvement: Insignificant improvements & fixes 1.7.30: 2020-11-06 - Improvement: Various changes 1.7.29: 2020-11-05 - Improvement: Cleanup ShortPixel CDN CSS Cache on dynamic CSS regeneration - Fix: Header sticky shrink with missing middle row 1.7.28: 2020-11-03 - Fix: Correctly check for logo presence in sticky 1.7.27: 2020-11-03 - Improvement: Contacts widget icons - Improvement: Header sticky shrink for logo 1.7.27-beta1: 2020-11-03 - Improvement: Contacts widget icons - Improvement: Header sticky shrink for logo 1.7.26: 2020-10-22 - New: Add ability to duplicate items in Contacts widget - Improvement: Floating bar RTL support - Improvement: Allow Contacts widget address bar to accept html 1.7.25: 2020-10-09 - New: Custom post types in conditions - Fix: Transparent/sticky colors for Account element - Fix: Quick view variable products 1.7.25-beta1: 2020-10-05 - New: Custom post types in conditions 1.7.24: 2020-09-28 - Improvement: Add Magyar translations - Improvement: Floating cart validator issue - Improvement: Remove minified css/js after update for WP Fastest Cache 1.7.23: 2020-09-18 - New: Add color option for close account modal button - Improvement: Add Hummingbird plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Header Account item transparent state color - Improvement: Avoid redirect to dashboard when activating Companion - Improvement: Add Swift Performance plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Add SG Optimizer - plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Widgets CSS improvements - Fix: Floating cart validations - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 1.7.23-beta3: 2020-09-18 - Improvement: Widgets CSS improvements 1.7.23-beta2: 2020-09-16 - New: Add color option for close account modal button - Improvement: Add SG Optimizer - plugin to clear cache plugin list - Fix: Floating cart validations 1.7.23-beta1: 2020-09-07 - Improvement: Add Hummingbird plugin to clear cache plugin list - Improvement: Header Account item transparent state color - Improvement: Avoid redirect to dashboard when activating Companion - Improvement: Add Swift Performance plugin to clear cache plugin list - Fix: Load CSS in Customizer correctly for Gutenberg 1.7.22: 2020-08-24 - Improvement: Auto-regenerate Dynamic CSS after update - Improvement: Sticky header + floating cart 1.7.21: 2020-08-20 - Fix: More fixes for transparent header 1.7.20: 2020-08-20 - Fix: Transparent header logic 1.7.19: 2020-08-20 - New: Demo importer integration with Brizy - Improvement: Avoid inline dynamic CSS - Improvement: Better Header Builder integration - Improvement: Header account element - Fix: Customizer missing Cookies consent options 1.7.19-beta1: 2020-08-13 - Improvement: Avoid inline dynamic CSS - Improvement: Better Header Builder integration - Improvement: Header account element - Fix: Fix Customizer missing Cookies consent options 1.7.18: 2020-07-27 - Improvement: Companion smarter detection for Blocksy theme - Improvement: Floating cart on out of stock 1.7.18-beta2: 2020-07-24 - Fix: Call missing functions correctly 1.7.18-beta1: 2020-07-24 - Improvement: Companion smarter detection for Blocksy theme - Improvement: Floating cart on out of stock 1.7.17: 2020-07-20 - Improvement: Account header item hooks - Improvement: Floating cart disable hooks - Fix: Elementor starter site importer handle _elementor_data 1.7.16: 2020-07-20 - Improvement: Contacts widget improvements - Fix: WP Optimize cache cleaner 1.7.16-beta1: 2020-07-18 - Improvement: Contacts widget improvements 1.7.15: 2020-07-14 - Improvement: Demo importer small improvements 1.7.14: 2020-07-13 - Improvement: Quick view popup display on mobile devices - Improvement: Clear Litespeed & WP Optimize caches on update - Improvement: Quick view integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons - Improvement: WCAG issues with Advertisement widget - Improvement: Update translations files 1.7.14-beta2: 2020-07-13 - Improvement: Update translations files - Fix: Quick view build problems 1.7.14-beta1: 2020-07-10 - Improvement: Quick view popup display on mobile devices - Improvement: Clear Litespeed & WP Optimize caches on update - Improvement: Quick view integration with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons - Improvement: WCAG issues with Advertisement widget 1.7.13: 2020-07-04 - Fix: Add cookie consent via action 1.7.12: 2020-07-03 - New: Add Quick View open options - Improvement: Simpler flow for transparent header - Fix: Posts widget count option - Fix: Correct handling of transparent header conditions - Fix: EDD for theme beta 1.7.12-beta3: 2020-07-02 - Fix: EDD for theme beta 1.7.12-beta2: 2020-06-30 - New: Add Quick View open options - Improvement: Simpler flow for transparent header 1.7.12-beta1: 2020-06-30 - Fix: Posts widget count option - Fix: Correct handling of transparent header conditions 1.7.11: 2020-06-26 - New: Trending Block Custom Post Types - Improvement: Account header element - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data - Fix: Demo installer compatibility with WP importer - Fix: Update POT file 1.7.11-beta1: 2020-06-22 - Fix: Demo installer compatibility with WP importer 1.7.10: 2020-06-19 - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data 1.7.10-beta1: 2020-06-17 - Fix: Properly import _elementor_data - Fix: Update POT file 1.7.9: 2020-06-12 - Improvement: Account element - Fix: Handle Elementor imports - Fix: Posts widget post_source reference 1.7.9-beta2: 2020-06-09 - Improvement: Account element - Fix: Handle Elementor imports 1.7.9-beta1: 2020-06-01 - Fix: Posts widget post_source reference 1.7.8: 2020-05-28 - New: Beta updates system - Improvement: Header account element - Improvement: Improve demo import attachments on multisite 1.7.7: 2020-05-22 - Improvement: Better support for SVG 1.7.6: 2020-05-21 - Improvement: Notify when connection to demo.ct.com is not fine - Fix: UTF-8 charset for demo import streamer - Fix: Mailchimp JSONP error - Fix: Make sure the demo importer changes elementor CSS to reference proper URLs - Fix: OG tags for non-single pages 1.7.5: 2020-04-23 - Fix: Proper check for missing extensions 1.7.4: 2020-04-22 - New: Transparent Header with conditions - Improvement: Mailchimp Widget handle GDPR fields - Improvement: Floating cart change scroll observe by add to cart button 1.7.3: 2020-04-10 - Improvement: Posts widget meta date - Improvement: Minor code improvements 1.7.2: 2020-04-03 - Improvement: Posts widget with post type, excerpt, custom query - Improvement: About Me widget image size option - Fix: Mailchimp widget submit without js - Fix: WooCommerce ratio option on import 1.7.1: 2020-03-26 - New: Add Opengraph meta data option - New: Add alignment & image size option for About Me widget - Improvement: Refactor Mailchimp extension to better support RTL - Fix: Themes Live Preview with Blocksy active 1.7.0: 2020-03-09 - Fix: Calendar widget issue - Fix: Don't include sticky posts in Posts widget with custom query - Fix: Quote widget inside sidebar with separated widgets - Fix: Subscribe form allow html in content 1.6.7: 2020-01-30 - New: Posts widget - add custom option to add posts by ID - Improvement: No longer require `allow_url_fopen` on demo install 1.6.6: 2020-01-17 - Fix: Instagram section sync - Improvement: Widgets options cleanup 1.6.5: 2020-01-17 - Fix: Critical bug that impeded updates to be received by EDD 1.6.4: 2020-01-16 - Improvement: Update to latest Freemius SDK - Fix: Properly check for plugin field in update action 1.6.3: 2019-12-29 - Improvement: Generate dynamic css on theme update - Improvement: Small styles adjustments 1.6.2: 2019-12-27 - Improvement: Move Instagram settings in extension screen - Improvement: `allow_url_fopen` notification in demos screen - Improvement: Quote smaller image size - Improvement: Better social icons handling in widgets - Improvement: On demo install finish, regenerate dynamic CSS files - Improvement: On demo install finish, purge all caches 1.6.1: 2019-11-28 - New: Instagram custom transient timeout - New: Post metabox switch for disabling subscribe form - Fix: Dynamic css file proper url scheme - Fix: Woo floating bar styles 1.6.0: 2019-11-22 - New: Add new social networks - Improvement: Enqueue global.css only in frontend - Improvement: Posts widget enhancements - Improvement: Posts widget put image and title in the same anchor tag 1.5.9: 2019-11-13 - New: Add new social icons - Improvement: Support for WordPress 5.3 1.5.8: 2019-11-07 - New: Implement Mailchimp AJAX submit - Fix: Instagram widget do not output empty images withour `src` - Fix: Properly load dinamic styles for floating cart - Fix: Validation error with attrs spacing 1.5.7: 2019-11-02 - Fix: Always parent theme check 1.5.6: 2019-11-01 - New: Add `wp-editor` for cookies content boxes - New: Xing social network - New: Implement dynamic CSS output in files - Improvement: Quote widget option for disabling author label - Improvement: Posts widget handling for category - Fix: Demo install SSL issue - Fix: Quick View modal add to cart button is not working 1.5.5: 2019-10-18 - New: Floating cart for products - Improvement: Deactivate demo plugins on demo uninstall - Improvement: Scope companion to sites, not whole network - Improvement: Add theme minimum supported version - Fix: Enable Woo wizzard back 1.5.4: 2019-10-10 - New: Improved content importer for demo install - New: Modify demo install screen - Improvement: Customizer sync helpers for handling `CT_CSS_SKIP_RULEDEFAULT` 1.5.3: 2019-10-02 - Fix: Properly access global classes inside namespace 1.5.2: 2019-10-01 - New: Clear cache on theme and plugin update - New: Add shadow for Mailchimp form - Improvement: Change class of the panel 1.5.1: 2019-09-24 - Improvement: Better animations for quick view modal 1.5.0: 2019-09-20 - New: Compatibility with Blocksy 1.5.0 - Improvement: Better handling for social icons - Improvement: Support for responsive color picker 1.1.8: 2019-08-20 - Fix: Remove Google+ social network - Fix: Scripts loading order, makes sure `ct-events` are always present 1.1.7: 2019-08-12 - New: Mailchimp extension customizable placeholders for fields - Improvement: Use only one translation domain 1.1.6: 2019-08-05 - Improvement: Move user meta social networks from theme - Fix: Small fixes in styles 1.1.5: 2019-08-01 - New: Option for changing cookies consent on forms - Fix: `blocksy_get_colors()` call with proper defaults - Fix: Do not focus on quantity field on quick view open - Fix: Initialize quick view on infinite scroll load 1.1.4: 2019-07-15 - Fix: Quick view UI when not in Shop - Fix: Cookie Notice readme for WP Fastest Cache 1.1.3: 2019-07-10 - Fix: Demo install process avoid notices 1.1.2: 2019-07-05 - Improvement: Add RSS social network to About me - Fix: About me widget socials 1.1.1: 2019-06-30 - Fix: Proper capabilities check for extensions API 1.1.0: 2019-06-27 - New: Demo Install Engine 1.0.11: 2019-06-18 - New: Author widget - New: Quote widget - New: About me widget - New: Facebook Like box widget - Improvement: Highlight Blocksy widgets and reorder - Improvement: Shorten Instagram transients period - Improvement: Instagram add clear caches button - Improvement: Type option on posts widget 1.0.10: 2019-06-05 - Improvement: Dashboard visual changes - Fix: Properly enqueue Elementor CSS - Fix: Instagram images glitch when lazy load is disabled 1.0.9: 2019-05-23 - New: Introduce a way for extensions to run code on activation and deactivation - Improvement: Cookie notification integration with W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and WP Rocket - Improvement: Better way to translate content in JSX - Fix: Jetpack and Gutenberg interfering with `print_footer_scripts` hook 1.0.8: 2019-05-20 - New: WooCommerce Extra extension with Quick View button for products - New: Add changelog for companion plugin in dashboard - Improvement: Disable Read Progress Bar from pages - Improvement: Improve readme.txt output for plugin updates 1.0.7: 2019-05-11 - Improvement: Move Mailchimp in footer 1.0.6: 2019-05-11 - Improvement: Use WP's global React and ReactDOM - Improvement: Include gulpfile.js and package.json files in the final build 1.0.5: 2019-05-10 - New: EDD Integration 1.0.4: 2019-05-09 - Fix: Read progress bar check for els presence - Fix: Small fixes for Instagram block - Fix: Proper lazy load attributes for sync logic 1.0.3: 2019-05-02 - New: Checkbox for consent - Improvement: Tested with WordPress 5.2 - Improvement: Support Blocksy child themes variations 1.0.2: 2019-05-01 - New: Google Analytics script - New: Instagram extension with block and widget - New: Allow SVG uploads - New: Read Progress extension - New: Mailchimp subscribe extension - New: Cookies consent extension - New: Elementor Columns Fix switch 1.0.1: 2019-04-11 - Improvement: Instagram widget text & defaults changes - Fix: Remove `gz` files from build 1.0.0: 2019-04-10 - New: Initial Release